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Last updated Jun 7, 2023 Edit Source

# Work with the Alembic Hierarchy

# Building Path Hierarchy

You can use the [ ] Build Hierarchy From Attribute option on the Alembic ROP to manage how geometry gets organized in an alembic file and rebuilt in e.g. Maya. the node expects a primitive attribute usually called @path.

//primitive wrangle

s@path = "/Group/GeoNodeInMaya/ShapeNodeInMaya"

This is similar to how USD hierarchy is defined with @name.

# Path Attribute to Groups

A lot of the time you want to have access to the path as groups:

//primitive wrangle

string name[] = split(s@path, "/");

foreach (string s; name){
    setprimgroup(0, s, @primnum, 1, "set");

For more snippets check out VEX Snippets.

This creates groups for every segment of the path which can be a lot. To deal with them you can use wildcards in pretty much all fields that take group names.

Say you have a few paths that also include some material information:

You can use that to assign a glass material to the relevant parts by using *Glass* in the group field.

# Hiccups

# Vertex Colors to Maya

Make sure to:

“Sometimes” this also helped:

# Transforms & Instances


sources / further reading:

Interactive Graph