fx notes


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FX Notes Formatting

Last updated Nov 21, 2024 Edit Source

# Contributing

# GitHub Pull Requests

If you just want to fix already existing notes you can open a pull request on GitHub in your browser by clicking the Edit Source button on every page.

For more involved contributions and completely new pages you need to fork the repository and add your new files there before opening a pull request.

To edit the notes in obsidian follow the instructions in the next chapter.

# Obsidian Setup

You have to open the contents folder in obsidian. not the root directory of the repo.

# Templates

there is a barebones template for new notes. After creating a new note you should be able to press Ctrl+T to fill in the template and start from there.

# Headline

text should start here

# Subheadline

text should start here

# Subsubheadline if really necessary

# Images

All image files have to live in ../content/notes/images

You can scale Images by adding max pixel width value to the end of the path:



# Code Blocks

use triple backticks to start a multiline code block and single backticks for inline code.

use C style colors for VEX by specifying the language after the opening backticks (C, Python etc.)

specify what type of wrangle this goes in and the name it has (e.g. in the screenshot above)

// point wrangle “wrangle_name”


Python for Python and so on

print("Hello Houdini")

Attributes and other important stuff can be in single backticks:


will be rendered like this:


[External Link](https://fxnotes.xyz)

External Link

# Callouts

you can have fancy callout boxes using this format:

I had to take a screenshot because the website doesn’t render anything in square brackets at all. just insert it down here instead of TAG:

> TAG **Tips**
> Hot Tip!

beside tip you can also put:


Hot Tip!


Important Source!

# Downloads

shared files have to live in ../content/notes/sharedfiles

##### Download: [File](https://github.com/jakobringler/blog/tree/hugo/content/notes/sharedfiles/filename.hip)
Download: File

# Page End

every page ends with this line --- and the sources block

sources / further reading:

Interactive Graph