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Houdini to TouchDesigner

Last updated Jul 20, 2023 Edit Source

TouchDesigner was born as a fork of Houdini 4.1, which shows in some methodologies and naming conventions. From a Nuke compositing standpoint there are many similarities when it comes to 2D image manipulation as well.


The following are mostly the notes I took when starting to learn TD. Don’t read this if you want to get started. I instead recommend to check out Bileam Tschepe’s Beginner Course. This might only be useful if you are looking for some Houdini analogies!

# Interface

# Hotkeys

# Designer vs Perform Mode

When working you are in “Designer” mode. This is where you see your network and the TD UI. Perform mode is a setting that hides all the UI and only Displays the output of your network in a new window. You can activate “Perform” mode by pressing F1 and exit it by hitting ESC. Closing the window with the windows/macOS buttons closes TD fully.

For fullscreen output you have to use a Window Comp which has a setting Open that has to be set to 1 and a drop down menu that allows you to select borderless.

# Nodes

# Contexts > Types / Families

COMPs (Object Components, Panel Components) - and other miscellaneous components. Components contain other operators:

TOPs (Texture Operators) - all 2D image operation:

CHOPs (Channel Operators) - motion, audio, animation, control signals:

SOPs (Surface Operators) - 3D points, polygons and other 3D “primitives”:

MATs (Material Operators) - materials and shaders:

DATs (Data Operators) - ASCII text as plain text, scripts, XML, or organized in tables of cells:

Custom (Custom Operators):

You can’t connect operators of different types together but there are many ways to convert between types or reference outputs into parameters just like in Houdini.

# Node UI

# Comparison

# Hou to Touch
# Nuke to TOPs

# Examples

Under the Help tab you can find Operator Snippets where you can load examples for most of the nodes

# Workflow

# Similarities to Houdini

# Random Facts

# HDAs to MyComponents

sources / further reading:

Interactive Graph