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Last updated Jul 11, 2023 Edit Source

# Rig Attribute Wrangles

# Basics

We can use any kind of curve and transform it like a parent hierarchy chain using the Rig Attribute Wrangle!

// rigattribwrangle

prerotate(4@localtransform, chf("amount") * @curveu, {1,0,0});

The wrangle automatically creates a transform and localtransform matrix on each point to apply all transformations.

Usually you would do this beforehand to better control the orientations. A good way is using the orientalongcurve SOP which has a 3x3 transform export option in combination with a rigdoctor node.

# Secondary Motion with CHOPs

The issue with the default secondary motion SOP is that you can only have a single driver point for now (H19.5). If you want to control many different joints with different drivers without setting up a secondary motion SOP for each you are out of luck.

I had to build a jiggle effect for an unfolding tree with a lot of branches where I would have needed this functionality.

As a workaround I animated an angle attribute and jiggled it using CHOPs before deforming my rig with the prerotate & prescale function.

// rotate_rig wrangle

prerotate(4@localtransform, @angle, axis);
prescale(4@localtransform, scale_vector);

I used the AttribChop SOP from Nick Taylor’s aeLib to do the jiggle setup more conveniently. Highly recommended HDA collection!

It gives quite convincing results without having to sim anything.

# Misc

# Display Rig Controls on HDA Viewer State

To expose the control rig on an HDA you have to define the “Default State” parameter in the “Node” tab of the Operator Type Properties.

For kineFX controls this should be kinefx__rigpose.

You also have to promote the parameters you want to control with the HDA.

sources / further reading:

Interactive Graph