Setting up Anaconda and Houdini for 3D Deep Learning on Linux
# Installation
To get started install Anaconda and run the following commands in your terminal:
( hou is the name of the new enviroment and python 3.7.4 is required because this is the version used in Houdini )
Then install libraries like for example PyTorch 3D. ( For simplicities sake we will go forward with vanilla PyTorch. )
As jpparkeramnh pointed out in this SideFX forum post you have to export the LD_PRELOAD variable.
# .bashrc Modifications
I also recommend sourcing Houdini in the terminal.
To do so first open the .bashrc in the terminal
and add the following lines to your .bashrc
- The first 3 lines run the houdini setup bash script
- Line 4 activates a default environment ( for me “hou” )
- Line 5 exports the LD_PRELOAD varible of the currently activated environment ( hou )
- Line 6 creates an alias to export the currently activated environment from the terminal
Now you should be able to just activate your respecitve conda environment, export the correct LD_PRELOAD variable by typing “expenv” and then run houdini from there by typing “houdini“.
To check if everything is running as expected open the Houdini Python shell and type:
If it doesn’t give you any errors you should be good to go.