fx notes


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Last updated Jul 19, 2023 Edit Source

# Basics

In the Common tab of every CHOP parameter panel you can enable Time Slice view. This displays the current values as a horizontal bar compared to a graph over time like the noise or trail CHOPs.

To reference CHOPs values in other operators you have to make the viewer on the CHOP you want to reference active and then drag and drop the viewer on the parameter you want to drive. Then select CHOP Reference.

In active viewer mode you can right click the viewer to reset the min/max bounds for better display


# Constant

# Noise


# Filter

# Trail

# Math

# Logic

# Limit

# Select

# Angle

# Speed

# Trigger

# Counter

# Keyboard In

# Mouse In

# Midi In

# Common Setups

# Normalize a Signal to 0-1

The 0-1 pulse signal from the LFO gets squeezed with the lag CHOP.

To normalize it again there is a neat trick using the envelope CHOP.

The Envelope CHOP outputs the maximum amplitude in the vicinity of each sample of the input.

Pretty much like Bounds over time in Houdini

Set it to a high number of seconds (e.g. 10). Just divide the signal through the output of it.

Interactive Graph