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Last updated Jul 14, 2023 Edit Source

# Basics

SOPs are computed on the CPU and therefore don’t scale too well. Animation in SOP land is dangerous since every frame has to be recomputed live.

In active viewer mode you can right click to get different display options:

It generally makes sense to turn the viewer of when working with SOPs. TD has to calculate every viewer for every timestep otherwise. To do so press the viewer flag in the top left of the operator.

# SOPs

SOPs have the most overlap with Houdini

# Basic Shapes

# Merge

# Transform

# Attribute Create

# Sort

# Particles

# Setups

# Basic Render Setup

To do so you need a Geo, a Camera and a Light COMP as well as a Render TOP

You can build simple control setups by providing a null for the camera to look at.

sources / further reading:

Interactive Graph