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Last updated Oct 19, 2023 Edit Source

# Buoyancy

# Curl

Rotation of a vector field. Can be viewed as flow of fluid or gas through said field.

related to: Divergence

# Divergence

Flow of a vector field. Can be viewed as flow of fluid or gas through said field. Expanding Flow: positive Divergence (like a magnet pushing away) Compressing Flow: negative Divergence (like a magnet pulling in)

related to: Curl

# Eulerian Simulation

Values are stored on grids / volumes / fields

think pyro simulation

related to: Lagrangian Simulation

# Gradient

# Lagrangian Simulation

Values are stored on particles

think particle simulation

related to: Eulerian Simulation

# Scalar Fields

Scalar fields store a single float per voxel.

Examples: Density, Temperature, Masks

# Vector Fields

Vector Fields store three floats per voxel.

Examples: Color, Velocity, Force

# Vorticity

Vorticity is a pseudovector field that describes the local spinning motion of a continuum near some point (the tendency of something to rotate, as would be seen by an observer located at that point and traveling along with the flow.

# Perpendicular Lines

Lines that meet at right angle / 90 degrees

sources / further reading:

Interactive Graph